Texas Connect
Hi everyone! I thought I would share some information about Texas Connect that we held during RootTech. We used it as a way to learn what others are doing and trying to find ways of helping each other.
Texas Connect originated with a few Texans helping each other with genealogy relating items over the last few years in the Houston area. It quickly became obvious that working together could help tremendously with the preservation of records, preservation of cemeteries, and research of family trees. It gained significant impetus as it was attached to the Roots Tech 2021, Doing Good Together Project. All of the Texas Genealogical Societies, Associations, Libraries and Museums were invited to attend the First Annual Meeting on February 27, the last day of Roots Tech 2021. Texas Connect has expanded to a larger group of people across Texas. Work is progressing to find local records which have not yet been digitized and shared, to further the identification of cemeteries, to record oral histories, and create enthusiasm in small communities by involving the community in the identification of unknown individuals in photographs. Texas Connect is a platform for Texas Genealogical groups to help each other achieve their goals with greater capacity.
We will have another Texas Connect from 10am – 12pm on September 11, 2021. Let us know if you would like to make a presentation. We hope you can join us!