Turtula Uleåborgs Finland - same as Turtola Parish, Lappi, Finland
I've located a record for a person with the transcription of their birth place being Turtula Uleåborgs Finland. Would that be the same place as Turtola Parish, Lappi, Finland? Thank you!
Uleåborg is the Swedish name for Oulu, in Finland. Turtola parish is about 150 miles north of Oulu (Uleåborg), but there is a Swedish parish (Övertorneå) which has a village or farm by the name of Turtula. Övertorneå and Turtola are about 23 miles apart.
Can you share the information in the transcription? That could help in locating the actual birth record and perhaps answer your question.
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Thank you so much for your reply! And my apologies for a slow response! That's very interesting about the names - Finnish vs Swedish. I'll take a look at the Övertorneå records and see if I can find what I'm looking for there. If that doesn't answer my question, I'll revisit this with the transcription. Thank you very much for the information you've shared with me!