Please help with the translation of Adamus Rentz's Birth Record.
The record is on the left hand side of the page and is the second entry. The year is 1740 but I don't know what month. This is from the parish of Zahájí, České Budějovice in Bohemia. I can read Joannes Renes. What are the next words that follow? I then can read Ludmilla legitimate wife but then I cannot read the rest. Does it list her father's name and location and profession? Can you tell me the names of the witnesses and where they are from? The first witness looks like Matteus Sloma possibly? The link to the record is located here:
Thank you very much.
The date is written as "26 10bris," meaning 26 Dec 1740. Here's an explanation of these month abbreviations:
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"Parens Joannes Renez caupo Zahajensis, M'r Ludmilla legitima uxor ejus, et filia Joannis Stopbauer rustici ex OberWoldau ambo liberi. Nomen impositum infanti Adamus."
Father Joannes Renez shopkeeper/innkeeper/landlord in Zahaji, Mother Ludmilla his legitimate wife and daughter of Joannis Stopbauer farmer from OberWoldau (Upper Woldau). The given name of the child was Adam.
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Godfather: Franciscus Sonecz venator (hunter) from Antiqua(?) Vobora. Witnesses: Mathaus Slama or Hama ludirector (school principal) in Zahaji, and Mariana wife of Adalberti Keživacžek cauponis (shopkeeper/innkeeper/landlord) from Woleshnik.
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Thanks Stephanie Bradshaw!!!