To whom should foster children be sealed?
I have come across a few foster children in families on Household Records. Should they be sealed to their biological parents, foster parents, or in one case to a biological mother (who had the illegitimate child) and her husband she married some years after the birth of that child?
I'm looking forward to the answer! Thanks!
@Darlene Johnson Barker I will share with you my experiece. I have been sealed to my birth parents after their death, but I was raised by a foster family until I was 14 years old then went to live with my birth parents. Some years ago I asked a member of the Temple Presidency if i could also be sealed to foster parents. He told me that if had two options. I could be sealed to my foster family if I have the sealing to my real parents cancelled while I am still living. However, after my death I could be sealed to my foster family without having the first sealing cancelled. I believe that the foster children should be sealed to each set of parents. I have also sent this to the @Temple Work and My Family in the Community to see if they have any recommendations. I would also suggest that you reach out to your Temple Presidency if possible for a definitive answer.