Does anyone have experience finding vital records in Hungary (Borsod-Abauj, Zemplen) or Veszprem)? W
We would like to help her find 2 of her great-grandparents. Their names, birthdates and birthplaces. are:
Lajos Horvath, born 1 April 1900, Felsozsolca, Borsod-Abaug-Zemplen, Hungary
Maria Kovacs, born 26 February 1900, Mezonyarad, Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen, Hungary
They have all the information on their daughter Klara Horvath, their daughter and this missionary's grandmother, who was born 26 February 1932 in Felsozsolca, Borsod-Abaug-Zemplen and died 8 July 2020 in Ajka, Veszprem, Veszprem.
Her other great-grandparents were from Veszprem but for now we'll be happy to get any informati0n on these two. Thank you so much for any help you can provide.
Sister Beth Morrison, England Leeds Mission
I should have added their FamilySearch numbers:
Lajos Horvath L6TL39B
Maria Kovacs L6TL332
Thank you very much.
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You are not lucky.
Lajos Horvath was not born that time in Felsőzsolca.
I didn't find any record from Mezőnyárád that time. History Library
On the FS there is not available register in Borsod county after 1908.
BR Tamas
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Poking around, it looks like the civil registry office in Mezőnyárád only opened in 1903; in 1900, they were recorded in Alsóábrány. However, the only Kovács child registered as being born in February 1900 is a boy Károly (=Carl, Charles) on the 27th (
The Alsóábrány film has been indexed, but the postprocessing attached the wrong place to all of the entries. (They're all labeled as Bükkaranyos; I suppose we ought to be happy that it's at least in the correct county.) The closest I can get to Feb 1900 with a Mária Kovács is one in September 1899 (, but she died as an infant.
What is the source for these dates and locations? Could something have been misread or scrambled?
The Borsod county civil registrations are basically all miscataloged on FS to some degree, in my experience. Usually the date ranges are wrong, but sometimes also the types. The indexing is also riddled with post-processing errors: on multi-part films (which is nearly all of them), the location from one part has been applied to the index entries for all of the parts. (And it is my further experience that contacting Support about such metadata errors is an exercise in frustration, as one progresses from irrelevant boilerplate to support-person kneejerk reflex of "blame the indexers" [who had zero input on the placenames].)
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They miscatalogized registers not only in Borsod and not only the civils.
They follow the rule "one film, one place" and if you report it they do nothing or answer you can modify records. I wont change hundreds.
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Hello. I just spoke with the missionary we're trying to help and she said her grandmother who gave them the birth information was sure of the day and month and place but not the birth year. I don't think it would be very far off since the first child of this couple was born in 1922 and they probably married in about 1921. Thanks for your help.
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Thank you.
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I've used this website. It was shown to me two years ago by a consultant at RootsTech Conference in Salt Lake, and has proven helpful. You have to pay an anual fee of something like $20-30, but it was worth it. It was cheaper to pay with my brother-in-law's Hungarian euro than my American dollars.
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Many thanks.
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Can this site be translated into English?
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Click to english flag.