Where can I find Swedish divorce records? Would they be with church records or civil? I am specific
Hello #[dorychapin1 dorychapin1] ,
A divorce would have gone through the Göteborg diocese for approval and filed with the local court.
If your ancestor lived in Göteborg city then the local court was the Göteborg rådhusrätt. In looking at the collection for the rådhusrätt, it looks like the divorce would have been handled by the first office of the court.
The records are listed in the online catalog with the National Archives of Sweden. I think it's called Förteckningar över boskillnadsärenden, see https://sok.riksarkivet.se/arkiv/lNN6Cw5trH6cyG018W43t3 which spans 1899 - 1926. These records have not been microfilmed or digitized. You can contact the Göteborg provincial archive for someone to look this up. Do you have an exact year? The church records should have mentioned a skiljobrev and that usually has a date.
Hope this helps,