If you are planning to participate in the Nordic handwriting class that is offered during the Nordic seminar, you should, in preparation, watch this recorded webinar:
Scandinavian Handwriting
The class that will be offered at the upcoming seminar is actually the third in a Scandinavian handwriting series. The recorded webinar contains the first two in the series.
I'm watching this on line. How can I get a copy of the handouts? Does the BYUFHL have them?
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The handout for the Monday, Nov 11 class is here: https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/img_auth.php/4/4b/Scandinavian_Handwriting_Juengling_112019.pdf .
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No, the BYUFHL has nothing to do with this.
The handouts to the first two in this series can be found here:
on that page, scroll down to: Old_Scan_Script_syllabus_2016_version_-_Copy.pdf
Click on that link and you will have the handouts.
For the 3rd class, the one that will be delivered on Monday, go to this site: