Is Sara Ersdtr tied to this Eric Ersson family?
Through Family Search duplicates, there is a daughter of Eric Ersson listed named Sara. She is not listed in any of the household records. However, in the birth record, she is listed as the daughter of Eric Ersson and Anna Jansdtr of Stallviken (as far as I can tell). I've found a death record of the same year where this Sara died and is tied to the same Eric and Anna. I think they should be added to this family. Can you help me confirm this? I've attached the birth and death records along with all of the household records I have for the family.
Yes, you have found that this Sara belongs to these parents, Eric and Anna. Every so often children who died at very young age were not marked in the house hold records. In those cases you just need to verify child's birth and death records, that parents and places are same as you have done.
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