Danish Military Levy Help
I found the Lægdsruller record seen below for Max Harry Nielsen, but have a couple of questions.
1) Although there is a line drawn through the record, it does not seem like other records where the conscript moved or died. I can not find him in the next years. Would this be the only service record?
2) Perhaps the answer lies in some of the codes. What does the information in the statutes (vedtegninger) section mean? Also, is there a way to find what the numbers in the Afdeling (department?) and Modt. column mean?Rigsarkivet (https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=16481029#20048,1710462 : levy roll #151, Lægdruller 5, Udskrivningskreds (1860-1931), 1915 N Access Roll 1- 1915 N Access Roll 216.
I never use levying rolls this late. If your goal is to trace him forward in time, the censuses after 1901 provide their exact date of birth. That is the easiest way to trace him.
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Thanks for responding.
I have already traced him forward in time. I was hoping to track his military record and understand better what he did in the military, how long he served, etc.- particularly as it would have been WWI.
I assume you don't know what the notations mean?