Can anyone help as I have messed up my tree!
Hi all,
I was getting error messages on my tree and I suddenly looked at a part of my tree and I saw that somehow I had repeated myself. I have put a screen shot below where you can see I have somehow stepped and repeated!
Can anyone help me into how I can sort this? I cannot see how I can delete people or break chains. I would be very grateful as I am worried I have to delete the whole thing and start again!
@Emjayf Emjayf
Depending on where they are in the incorrect "Relationship" ...
You can "Detach" (ie. "Remove" or "Replace") the 'wayward' individual/person, it just depends on whether it is, an Individual/Person; or, a "Couple" ...
Here are a couple of "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch'
A person in Family Tree has the wrong spouse
How do I correct parent-child relationships in Family Tree?
I hope this helps.
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I think I am even more confused! I did try deleting one person but it wouldn't let me! I really thought I was getting somewhere using this site but I have messed it up so bad now! I guess I will try and look again another day. Thanks anyway
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I may have sorted it. I think! I will leave and look again tomorrow. Thanks again!
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You basically have duplicate Richards and duplicate Elizabeths. The duplicate Richards need to be merged together and the duplicate Elizabeths need to be merged together. When you merge the richards, the parent child relationship between one and the other should NOT be brought over during the merge (technically, the merge tool should not allow it but I don't know if it is sophisticated enough to override this). All other relationships should be brought over as you would normally do in a merge.
When you have duplicate records in the system for the same person, you don't delete one. You merge it into the other as both of those PIDs represent the same person.
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The problem is already solved. Wy is it then still published in this forum?
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