FamilySearch shows a Marriage for a couple on 1, May 1825; however, Riksarkivet appears to have a ga
There does seem to be a gap there. The history for Flo parish which is available in Riksarkivet does not mention anything about records being destroyed so I would presume that the marriage is written somewhere but where I couldn't say. I looked in other parishes (Ås, Sal, and Vänersnäs [Näs]), but those parishes didn't have the bethrothal/marriage records either. The date must have come from this household record in Flo (A I/6 (1825-1830) page 119) which mentions that Maja Greta Andersdotter was betrothed to Nils And(ersson) on 1 May 1825. See that record here:,1252,2743,1356 .