I'm looking for the marriage of Charles P. Wittman(GWQB-FW6) and Pheobe Lamunion/Lamuyon(GW7L-CVF).
There first child, William S., was born in Adams, Illinois in 1869. Thanks for the chance to post!
Rich J.
This group is more geared to toward questions and answers about a broad family in general and not a specific one individual or couple.
Thats why it is called "Surname Specific Research"
However in your query you mention Wittman and Lamunion
Here is a link for info on the Wittman family:
The other surname seems to be extremeley rare and I dont have any info on it at the moment.
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I'm sorry I guess I misunderstood the purpose. I apologize for the misinterpretation.
Thank you for the links, I'll continue my search and perhaps I'll hit pay dirt.
Could you perhaps explain just what the parameters are that would be helpful in this forum? I really like the idea of these forums, they are very helpful to those of use that are new to FamilySearch.
Never mind about the parameters I just went back and reread the intro to this forum. I would like to know how to submit the info, do you want it in excel like the link you have posted?
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no problem
I will be pretty liberal in my helping anyone who posts a query
but it did seem you didnt really catch the intent of the group.
So at a very general sense - the intent is that given a specific surname - we try to hook people up with resources and researchers and tools that can help you research such surnames.
so what we would research and share - would usually be about a general surname family group - and not about one specific individual - but indeed we can point you at surname resources that may be helpful for YOU finding a specific fact for a specific person - but our research would normally not be at the person level - but at surname level.
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I'm researching the surnames of Jones, Mennekin, Lawrence, Goodwin, Phillips, Wittman and Lamuniion, these are the main surnames. Of course like everyone else there are more names in my tree.
Thanks for the info.
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Most of those names can be found here:
the Lamuniion surname is very unusual - - what can you tell me about and its origins and the sources you have found useful in its research.
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I really don't have much info on that family except the name has been spelled a lot of different ways, have mostly information from censuses and it's spelled just about every way conceivable. My ancestor was born in Ohio as was her father. Not sure of the original nationality. A lady who is on Ancestry has pictures and other information and she has the name spelled LAMUNYON I really think this is the right spelling. One of the documents on Ancestry is a declaration of birth and also a declaration of marriage and my ancestor attested to these docs and the name is spelled LAMUNYON. It almost sounds french to me but that is just a wild guess(and I mean wild). If you have any ideas I'd like to know them.
Thanks for the info and the help!
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Hello Richard,
Regarding: Charles P. Wittman(GWQB-FW6) and Pheobe Lamunion/Lamuyon(GW7L-CVF).
Your sources for those folks look really good. My golden rule is if I can find a source that goes with the other sources in at least three ways, I use it. You can always go back and change it if you find it isn't the right one.
According to your sources they were mostly in Ohio. The children appear to be born in Ohio.
I looked for a marriage. I did find the 1870 US Census with William barely born. But not marriage date.
I saw your ancestry find. I found 4 in ancestry trees, but no source for marriage. I looked at myheritage, no source for marriage.
Thank you for the question.
No worries about where you post a question. We can route to the appropriate Queque.
Thank you for your question.
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From one of the trees on Ancestry it looks like they may have been married in Putnum County, Missouri. That's my next stop!