I need help with burial number 19 on this page. url: https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedvis
I need help with burial number 19 on this page. url: https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=22045394#455172,81451498
there is an abbreviation right before the word "datter" ie "1858 Death number 19, Died June 24, Buried June 27, Stine Pedersdatter, frf.? datter of Peder Pedersen Jorgensen" Does anyone know what the abbreviation "frf." stands for.
Thank you very much. Suzi Waag Smith
The abbreviation includes more letters, it is ægtef. for ægtefødt, meaning legitimate born. Here is an example on the previous page where the word is completely written.
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The abbreviation is trf (trofaste) faithful daughter