Hello, I am trying to understand this marriage record of my 4th great grandparents. It's the entry
I would really appreciate it if somebody could assist. I attach zoomed image and link. Thank you in advance!
This is the engagement record of Johannes Petersen and Dorothea Hansdatter in the same parish (Garnisons, Kobenhavn, Kobenhavn, Denmark): https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?bsid=150074#150074,24856435 .
The text after his name in this record is "LS ved Kron Prindsens Reg Co (?) Oberstlient. (or Oberstlieut.) Lemmings" which pretty well matches up with this from the Military Abbreviations from the Denmark Wiki: L.S.K.P.R. Rural Soldier Crown Prince’s Regiment (Land Soldat Kron Prinsens Regiment). See here for that Wiki page: https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Denmark_Abbreviations_in_Army_Levying_Rolls . I think that Oberstlient Lemmings (Lieutenant Colonel Lemmings) could be an officer's name, but don't know that for sure. The text after his name in the marriage record that you supplied probably has something to do with this. It looks like it could be "k_onp_" which could be "kron p(rinsen)". The last letter on this line is a "C" which could be for "Company" indicating the military company he is in, but, again, I can't be certain of that. Perhaps @Tanner Blair Tolman has some insights he could share.
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Norm, thank you so much! This helps a lot because we think Johannes Pedersen must have been a military person as I believe there were troops in Copenhagen at that time. We can not find any record of his birth (around 1764-ish), so perhaps he was from Norway. Would it be too much to ask for a translation of the whole record? I don’t know what the last column represents. We have been unable to find anything at all about Johannes Pedersen and (Anne) Dorothea Hansdatter’s parents. By the way, I am Australian so this is all very foreign to me. Thank you again, Lee
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The first column is pretty much what I wrote in above, except I didn't give the date: 28 July 1795 was when the engagement was reported to the parish priest. The second column is the forloverne-sponsors, bondsmen at marriage. They are named: Peder Jörgensen who is a brændevinsmand (works at a distillery [alcohol]) and the other is Fridrich Høysverd (I think) who is a "mester skrædder" (a master tailor).
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Thank you again, Norm, this is very much appreciated. I may have some other questions so I hope you won't mind ... I'll create new Questions for them. I wish I'd found this Community months ago!