Death record for Nicoline Elizabeth on 5 April 1779. What does it say between the 2 names?
Can someone help with this death record? It's the entry for Nicoline Elizabeth on 5 April 1779. I know it says she is 6 weeks old when she dies, but I'm wondering if the father is Jens Mogensen? I don't know what it says between the two names. Any help would be great!
Hello Holly,
I recognized a couple words on the 2nd line, but I need to ask a friend to make sure of the meaning. "Opfostering stiftelsen hos" = bringing up institution with Jens Mogensen. I don't really know if this means that Nicoline was in a foster care situation. A couple friends can help me and I'll get back with you.
Sending a hello from an old FHL missionary to Fritz.
Shari Duce
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Thoughts from a friend: Opfostringsstiftelsen is a home for children where the mother has left them after birth because she cannot care for them. Typically these children were then accepted as foster children in some family which was paid a lump sum of money to care for them. Unfortunately very often these children died an untimely death, and then the foster parents could take on another foster child.
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Fer: 2 Pasch: et pigebarn Nicoline Elisabeth 6 uger (a female child Nicoline Elisabeth [age] 6 weeks) fra Opfostrings stiftelsen hos Jens Mogensen (she was a foster child at Jens Mogensens house. Opfostring stiftelsen was an institution who placed children who did not have a father or mother to care for them with families in the community for money.