What is the English translation of this Danish entry?
What is the English translation of this Danish entry?
I am interested in the exact translation into English of each mark in line 58 of this image.
I think I know some of it but the details are eluding my brain cells.
Inger Marie Jensen is my 2nd great grandmother.
Thank you for your help.
Doug Anderson
Entry 58
Born 27 October 1860
Alexander Wilhelmine Svendsen
baptized 25 November 1860 in the church
(parents) gartner Olof Svendsen and wife Inger Marie Jensen 31 years old on Bernstorff
(witnesses) the mother carried the child. virgin Hanne Marie Luip? on Bernstorff, and gartnermester Vilhelm Carl Petersen of the same place
index reference 409-4