I would like help translating the following death record for Petrus Judous Goossens, record #264 ht
"Den jare achttien honderd twee en veertig, den zevenden Maert" is the date of the certificate which is 7 March 1842.
Later it states:
Dat Petrus Judocus Goossens, gepensioneerden Vanden Strat (was a pensioner), oud vier en zestig jaren (age 64), geboren (born in) Brussel op den dertienden Januari zeventienhonderd achtenzeventig (13 January 1778), woonende te Brugge (living in Brugge) in de Ganze Straet, zoon van (son of) Jacobus en van Maria Pepermans, huwelijke met (married with) Maria Alexandrina Rosalia Delriaux, huishoudster (house wife), oud een en vijftig (age 51), geboortig van (born in) Quiévrain / Frankrijk (France) / wonende te Brugge; overleden is gisteren (died yesterday) zesden Maert om twee uren namiddag (6 March at 2pm) ...
For future research, you might want to check the wiki for the most important words in Dutch. https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Dutch_Genealogical_Word_List
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Did she posted it twice.. ? because I did the death record below. I said that I was limited. Confusing.. same record I think. Your Flemish is way better than mine. I can learn. Thank you for doing this. Shall I take mine down?? ugh never again when there are many of you who know this better than I.
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I think that I will not respond to request.. I am too limited.
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you should do what you can. Everyone is appreciative when someone tries their hand at fielding a transcription or translation. You will only get better and your participation only adds to the strength of the group.
So, keep at it!
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Dear Fritz,
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I did try. I will keep learning. Carla
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The year 1842 the 7th of March at 4h in the afternoon are before us Philippus Bernardus Verhulst
Alderman, civil servant of the City of Bruges, of the Province of West-Flanders
Have shown before us Eligius Mechelaere, laborer 31 years old and Petrus Plancke weaver, 69 years old, No blood relative of the deceased who have declared us that Petrus Judocus Goossens retired
Of the State old 64 years old born in Brussels on the 13th January 1778 living in Bruges in the Duck Street, son of Jacobus and Maria Pepermans, married with Maria Alexandrina Rosalia Delveaux housekeeper, 51 years old born in Quievrain , Franceliving in Bruges
Passed away yesterday 6th of march at 2h in the afternoon in the house nr. 18B Voormelde street
And the witnesses have after the reading of the act signed
Then the signature of
Eligius Mechelaere
Petrus Plancke
Philippus Bernardus Verhulst
Kind regards
Werner Vols