Norra Skånska ?? Infanterie Regementet --- what word is that?
In this marriage record (top left) I can't make out what that word is.
Norra Skånska ?This Word? Infanterie Regementet
I especially would like to know that word, possibly a company name?, but I would also appreciate a correction of my reading:
Dom 8 Feburari (Ryndelsmäoso dagen)
lystas till cügthunstup 1. ?? fåm
Soldaten vid Norra Skånska ???
Infanterie Regementet ärlaigie och
Man hustugn Lars Nilsson Björn
fråm Stora Harrie farnt dass
krolåfa uda füstmö krynn
Hanna Jöns dotter i Gullarp.
Sön trolnfning uns laglisat
och fionten henternic hinderhläs huf
?? med huar under eüytunstup
pygga, mufnarer
Jöns Larsson
Thank you in advance!
Actually, I found it: Kongl
Norra Skånska Kongl Infantrie Reg.
I'm assuming it's a place name?
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In English, it's the North Scanian Infantry Regiment. You can read a bit about it here: