Dear Group,
While "slewing" to find ancestors.. I came upon this entry.. including ancestors.
Based on the fact that Joannes Stevens was born in December 1800 ( all of you helped with ) And now he is 45.. FATHER- KAREL FRANCIS STEVENS birth to be 1764. Just sharing page 103
Heirenthoek nr. 61: 5 bewoners. Stevens Karel Francies ‐ Zonder beroep, °Drongen 81 jaar. Drommaert Petronilla ‐ Zonder beroep, °Drongen 81 jaar. Stevens Livinus ‐ Landbouwer, °Landegem 38 jaar. Blancke Rosalia ‐ Landbouwster, °Nevele 30 jaar. Stevens Charles Ludovicus ‐ Dienstbode, °Landegem 19 jaar. Heirenthoek nr. 62: 9 bewoners. Stevens Joannes ‐ Dagloner, °Landegem 45 jaar. Verhegge Maria Theresia ‐ Spinster, °Landegem 46 jaar. Stevens Franciscus ‐ Zonder beroep, °Merendree 15 jaar. Stevens Carolina ‐ Zonder beroep, °Merendree 14 jaar. Stevens Livinus ‐ Zonder beroep, °Merendree 13 jaar. Stevens Eugenia ‐ Zonder beroep, °Merendree 12 jaar. Stevens Maria Theresia ‐ Zonder beroep, °Merendree 10 jaar. Stevens Seraphina ‐ Zonder beroep, °Merendree 8 jaar.
You will also find here, the occupations of many people around the area, as Spinster,or
katoenwever and lijnwaadwever; the latter two are loom operators cotton and flax.
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Thank you.. I can confirm all the children.., but with the exception of Eugenia Stevens.. I saw her as a daughter of Joannes Stevens and Mother Maria Judoca Verhegge in the records. Other than that.. I also found marriage of Charles Stevens and Petronilla (sp) Drommaert. Carla