lower left corner, last
lower left corner, last two entries in first column on left.
Dom 13 past Trinity 1766, absolved Else Nielsdatter Friis (L4QF-TNG) who had daughter Maren (MJQY-4QN). I can't read the entire two for 13 P. Trinity and the next one where the child, Maren, was christened. What does it say about the father, Jens Nielsen (L4QF-LCN)? What is the translation of the two records? Someone has recorded him as dying the same year Maren was born. Does this record indicate this? Thanks for all your help.
The heading next to 1766 reads: U Egte Børn (children born out of marriage)
Meaning: on the 13th Sunday of Trinitatis (in 1766 it was 24 August) was public absolution for Else Nielsdatter Friis for immorality at fault with the Smith Jens Nielsen as the child’s father.
On the 19th Sunday of Trinitatis (5 October) was christened Else Nielsdatter Friis’s child was called Maren. Godparents Kirsten Larsdatter Friis, Margrete Jensdatter Skov, Peter Skræder, Lars Jensen Bow, Ole Paulsen Bister.
It does not say anything about the death of the father in these entries.