How do you send out Discovery Experiences under Helper and Easy Invitations to those in our ward tha
@Brenda Pope
As to those in your Ward are NOT looking a their "Messages" (ie. ANY ) in "User Messaging" of "FamilySearch"; then, ...
'Send' them a 'Copy' of that 'link' via a DIRECT "E-mail", for them to be able to select that 'link'.
That is provided, of course, such people even access "E-mails" - that is another matter altogether ...
If they are signed into "FamilySearch" ...
When they open their "E-mail"; and, select that 'link'; then, that will bring them to those "Messages" for, both, "Discoveries"; and, "Temple", in "User Messaging" in "FamilySearch", in a slightly different; but, similar, format.
Same thing, just a slightly different; but, similar, format.
If they are NOT signed into "FamilySearch"; then, they will be prompted to do so; and, once they do; then the aforementioned will ensue.
Test it for yourself.
If you copy the 'link' of ANY of your Ward members, it is the SAME 'link'.
If you are signed into "FamilySearch"; then, paste any 'link' into a new 'Tab' or 'Window' and press 'Enter' - you will see what I mean.
Now ...
That said ...
As an aside, you need to "Teach" and "Train" those in your Ward that are NOT looking a their "Messages" (ie. ANY) in "User Messaging" of "FamilySearch", HOW to do so.
Even these days, MANY Users/Patrons DO NOT even how to use "User Messaging" of "FamilySearch" - they DO NOT know that they have ANY "Messages" (and, that includes "Conversations").
Such Users/Patrons are amazed when they are show "User Messaging" of "FamilySearch"; and, about "Messages" in general.
I hope this helps.
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Thank you, Brett, I will try it.
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What I have done is print the list of members, then another consultant and I call a member to remind them that there are hints available in their tree and explain what they might find to further their research. Also ask them to set a date to screen share and work together on various points on their tree, with them. Tell them new stuff, etc. it’s been very appreciated.
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Thank you, Jan