I am asking for some help within the ( ) of this document which I have transcribed. This is the birth record for Silvia Maria Vernackt born September 18, 1836 Hulste (recorded on sept 19). From marriage record as well from the archives, I know that she is the child of Carolus Ludovicus Vernackt and Barbara Desmet ( De Smet)( both are recorded for her). I used everything on my "list" for words and phrases , google etc to help me. I would appreciate your time. Carla https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33SQ-GP8D-1M9?i=634&cc=2139860&cat=106986
My transcription N. 122 acte van geboorte
In den jaere acttien hondred zesendertig den negentienden September te vijft uren (voor) middag is Voor ous petrus franciseus masured burgermeester ambtenaar van en burgerlijken stand en gemente van hulste gecompareerd: Carolus Ludovicus Vernackt lanbouwer oud viejdertig Jaren wonende te hulste dewelken ons verloond heft een kind zijnde van vrouw geslacht gebooren ( bennevens/ binnen) gemente gisteren te twee urrs (nanniddag) (_________) verklaard (aaen) van Barbara de smet zijn huis vrouw en dewelken ons verklaard (____________)te willen gedan de voornaemen van Silvia maria de voornoud verklaaring en vertooning voor ous done (i_ de jieurs _________) van francis verschoore, oud zeven en vijttig Jaren en petrus verschoore oud vieren twintig Jaren beide schhoenmakker en wonende te hulste en voorlezing ( ) en Vader en getuigen hebben met ons getekeend
N. 122 act of Birth
In the year 1836 , the 19th September at 5 o’clock in the afternoon appeared before: Petrus Franciseus Masured, Mayor , civil servant of the civil registration and the municipality of Hulste did appear: Carolus Ludovicus Vernackt, farmer , age 35 years old residing at Hulste whom has shown us one child being of the female gender within the municipality yesterday at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, of the declarant and of Barbara Desmet ( De Smet) being a housewife and who declared to us she wants to give the name of Silvia Maria and in front of us declaring and showing for us done in the presence of Francis Verschoore , 57 years old and Petrus Verschoore, 24 years old, both shoemakers and residing at Hulste, and reading ( ) the father have and the witnesses have with us signed.
the different spelling of Desmet and De Smet are common errors in historical records. It depends on the ability that the perons making the declaration are able to read. I all depends how the city official writes down the names. You can include the alternative spelling in the "Other Information" section under "Alternative name". We generally use the names, appearing on the birth record.
( )#1: van de verklaarder
( )#2: heeft te willen geven
( )#3: in de tegenwoordigheid
Best regards,
Gilbert Staepels
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Thank you so much!!! I have been using the archives and have to use both variations of her name to see where children and family are. Thank you also for the transcriptions of these phrases. I am a beginner at learning Dutch and some of those letters sure look the same. I appreciate your time and talents to help me.
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I went back into my transcription and was very able to see your phrasing . Thanks again. I updated my post with my translation. I think that it works for me. Have a good evening. Carla
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@carla ratcliff
Your translations are improving fast, you basically have the whole template.
The syntaxis is also improving.I only have a small remark,it would be interesting to write Hulste,=> as Hulst , today's spelling.
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Thank you. I also finished Camillus and Ivan's records. The script was very readable. My next challenge is Marie Irma Stevens. I had attempted her before the others, and am looking at my "words". Now.. I see words and phrases that I know that I can see today. Yes, I need to back and edit a "few" things like places especially ( with today's spellings). You time, talents and guidance are most appreciated. Carla