Oattenbach ZH - baptism - 1772 - Sidler - Hans Caspar

[1772 Februarius] den 2.N(atus) / den 9. Bapt(izatus)
Hans Caspar
Wachtm(eister) Rudolph Sÿdler von Ottenbach / Elisabetha Sÿdler.
M(eister) Caspar Hug, Maurer(?) u(nd) Baumwollenfertiger / Regula Leüthert geb. Häberligin von Ottenbach.
I am unsure about the Maurer (bricklayer) as it doesn't really fit with the Baumwollenfertiger (cotton maker) as second profession.
Data on the family have been summarized on 1.4) Hans Caspar Sidler ooI Elisabetha Hegetschweiler, ooII Margaretha Berli.
BTW - I had a look at your page on Hans Caspar Sidler. About the first child you write "Pastor Hans Jakob Locher's record says "Anonymous" which would mean out of wedlock, born two days before Caspar's first wife died …" - this is incorrect! Out of wedlock would be "Spurius" … "Anonymus" means no name given (and likely not baptised).
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