
I like to believe that most people are doing their best to find accurate information related to their relative. However, beyond a certain time frame, say about 1840 for the USA, data is sparce. A speck of information should be considered grand! Does the algorithm consider the time period in it scoring?
Secondly, does the algorithm consider photographed sources, can it read them? For example, a photographed birth certificate added as a document.
Third, who is this helping? If it is for temple name selection, perhaps limit it to their viewing capacity. OR if your battling fake data use a correlation and connection algorithm instead.
Lastly, it is located under "Research Helps" implying by proximity that it is scoring the research helps.
From the perspective of just another user:
Yes, time periods are used.
No, the computer only understands indexed sources. But those photographed sources still can be used to tag items.
It is to help improve profiles. For example, I recently had a flag that one child in a family was born 88 miles away from the rest of the children which would have been unusual for the time period. I found that that child's birth place had been entered incorrectly and fixed it. It has also pointed a few sources that turned out to have been incorrectly attached to the profile that I then detached.
It's under Research Helps because it is a research help. Its goal is to help us in our research. If you don't find it to be a help, then just ignore it.
One thing to keep in mind, is that when it flags a conflict between a profile and an indexed source, it cannot make any determination as to which is incorrect, the profile or the index, so it is always important to check original sources and not assume the profile has an error and change correct data.