William H. Bradley
William H. Bradley (97C6-HBG) is not related to the paternal line of Michael B. Greenstreet Sr. (KWCS-VTT).
It’s possible that William H. Bradley (97C6-HBG) is a son of John B. Bradley Jr. (LR8F-CWV), but James H. Bradley (KD9Z-J6J) is my direct line because the death certificate of Franklin W. Bradley, my 2nd great grandfather, listed James H. Bradley as his father. As well, I have many other documents showing James H. Bradley as my 3rd great grandfather.
URL showing the problem page: https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/97C6-HBG
@Michael B. Greenstreet Sr. you are correct. This is a mess :( I see incorrectly merged persons, and wrong source attachments. Yay for DQS. It is doing its job calling out all the inconsistencies. It you could leave this alone for a bit, I would like to have a couple people look at this. Thank you for the great example of not so great work.
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William H. Bradley (97C6-HBG) is now in the "Hall of Fame" which means yes, this is bad. But it is a great situation to look at in order to see how this happened, how to prevent future similar occurences, and testing ways to correct similar situations. Thank you!