Translation Request
Here's the first entry; the writing is very faint, so it's difficult to make out some of tohe names.
Wilhelm des Adam Hoffmanns und seiner ehel. Hausfrau Anna Catharina Söhnl. ist gebohren den 26ten October und den 27ten getaufet worden. Die Taufzeugen waren Wilhelm [Kolenberger?] und dessen ehel. Hausfrau Maria Eva.
Wilhelm, little son of Adam Hoffmann and his wife Anna Catharina, was born on 26 October and was baptized on the 37th. Baptism witnesses were Wilhelm [Kolenberger?] and his wife Maria Eva.
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Here's the second entry, again difficult to read, also can't tell what month because of the snippet view only.
den 24ten [can't read month] des weÿland Adam Hoffmanns hinterlassenes Söhnl. Joh. Wilhelm begraben worden. Alt 4 Jahr, 8M, 2 T.
On the 24th of [can't read month] was buried Joh. Wilhelm, the surviving son of the deceased Adam Hoffmann. Age 4 years, 8 m[onths], 2 d[ays].
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Based on the birth date, and then the age at death, yes, it's probably June. Interesting that the months June and July in the larger snippet are both spelled with an I at the beginning instead of J.