Would love to see the following added to the Data Quality Score Feedback suggestions:
Go to Sources and make sure that all listed sources DATES have been entered in order to put sources in chronological order.
To check any "Unfinished Attachments" in Sources to see if any further attachments can be made.
I love the Data Quality Score. If I overlook something, it helps me see it. Thanks for such a great tool.
Best Answer
@PamelaCarter2 thank you for your feedback. I think it is a great idea to get users to check 'unfinished attachments' and missing dates for source chronology. But DQS just can't tackle this currently. Thank you again :)
Not all sources have dates, and not all users use the chronological sort. And you can turn off the display of the "Unfinished Attachments" notice. I, for one, would be Highly Annoyed if the schoolmarm started complaining about those choices.
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"… To check any "Unfinished Attachments" in Sources to see if any further attachments can be made. …"
I can't agree with that. My 3G-uncle in San Francisco was a bit more upmarket than most of my rellies. Most of his censuses have "Unfinished Attachments" and I have zero intention of attaching the relevant census record to his Norwegian parlour maid (say). Indeed, I firmly believe that I should do no such thing given that I know nothing of her history. I have attached the census records to his family but that's all. (I could dismiss the "Unfinished Attachments" message for that record but it dismisses it for everyone, if I recall correctly, and I'm slightly unwilling to do it in case the Norwegian relatives come along, locating her census records by tracing her employer).
As for chronological order of sources, when it was first introduced, we went through various debates about what the date should be in the case of a portmanteau source such as the NUMIDENT files with multiple names for the one person, or whether a transcript should be dated with the date of the event or the date of the transcript.
Really, it's up to the person concerned, and one of their options should be - no date.
It's easy enough to check anyway by going to the Sources tab.