How do I get started building my family group tree from Family Search?
Probably I'm too stupid to do this. I'm on my 5th attempt to construct my tree, without success. It takes an entire day (8 am to 2 am this last try) to add a small part of my tree from Family Search. If I don't save it via the copy feature that's supposed to be in the upper right corner - which I have never been able to find - when Family Search forces me to sign in again, I'm back to zero, the whole day's work is wiped out.
Are you working on a computer or possibly using a phone?
I'm working on a PC, using Windows 10, and Chrome, both fully updated. Copy to Group is in a blue bar at the top right.
To select the people, first click the Spouses and Children button underneath the topmost (earliest) couple you want to include. Then click on Copy to Group.
Hope this helps.