Suggested improvement / change

I have serveal items that need to be corrected under "source tagging", It would be helpful, if I could click on the and know which source it is referring to, rather than trying to find it in the proflie
@brenda62 thank you for your feedback. A ticket has been created for this issue :)
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Here is another situation where it would be very helpful to have more information associated with the flags. In this case having which source is conflicting more clearly pointed out. Here is the flag:
Of his 36 sources, none of the sources have a date of 1854. Seventeen of them have the title "Rasmus Høyland, 'Norway, Church Books, 1797-1958.'" This meant that I needed to start opening each source to check the information in it. The conflict turned up in source 13 of the 17. And it turned out to be an error in the index:
The indexer must have gotten his or her fingers shifted onto the wrong keys.
I'm concerned that for a lot of users, needing to do this much work just to find there is no problem with the profile and no problem with the source, just an indexing error, will sour them pretty quickly on the whole idea of quality checking and they will just ignore the whole thing. Including the date of the source just before the title as it appears on the Source page would have helped quite a bit. Including the source in the long white column just like in the Sources slide-out panel, with full independent scrolling so the whole source can be read and including being able to open the original image from there, when clicking to evaluate the conflict would help tremendously. The dismiss button should be below the source so one was required to at least scroll through the whole source to reach it.
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