Please transcribe / translate
I'm working on the following marriage record from Imsen, Alfeld, Lower Saxony
I would really appreciate a translation of each word in the record. Specifically though, I need to understand the relationship between "H.L.P. Samuels" (the pastor of this parish) and the bride Anne Rosina Samuel. Is he her father?
Or is HLP Samuels the groom and Ernst Heinrich Jordan is someone else?
I'm confused because the format / order of names is different than the other marriage records in this parish. Maybe because it's the pastor's family?
Thanks so much for the help!
Den 3ten Aug: hat sich hl Ernst Heinr: Jordan aus Göttingen gebürtig qua Cantor Hildes: mit hl P. Samuels Schwester Jgfer Anna Rosina Samuel allhier öffenl: copuliren laßen.
On August 3rd, Ernst Heinrich Jordan, born in Göttingen, cantor in Hildesheim(?), was publicly married here to the spinster Anna Rosina Samuel, sister of P[astor?] Samuel
Note: the "hl" before the names means "hochlöblich" = highly laudable and is a title of honor for persons of higher rank.
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Thank you so much. I didn't know Pastor Samuel had a sister! (He has 11 brothers, according to family records, but I only know 1 of them.)