Help with transcription of notes on 1839 birth record from Graudenz West Prussia area
I have linked two records for the birth of Johann Friedrich Kaiser born in June of 1839 in Bendugen (between Graudenz and Schöneich). One of them has some notes on the left side of the birth that I'm hoping might have information that may help me. I've not been able to identify the parents before this point in time. The record with notes has a full two pages of births - the birth of Johann Friedrich is the second to last entry on the second page. I see the father is Friedrich Kaiser, Einwohner?, the mother is Anna geb. Bohm, the godparents are Michael Bohm, Wilhelmina Bohm. Regarding the note to the left of the birth I see the town of Benduga (Bendugen on Meyersgaz), and then maybe something about Culm (Kulmisch Rosgarten is right near there?). Transcription of this note would be greatly appreciated!
I'm including the second record of the birth as well. Johann Friedrich birth is #11 on the left side of the page.
If you note any additional information in either record other than what I've listed above, please share.
Thank you very much,
Kaiser Johann Friedrich 1839 June 30 Birth Bendugen Graudenz.jpg
The note is (as far as I can read it):
Gehört unter die Geborenen des Culmer Kr[eises] - ist dort __ ___ übertragen _ __ erhält daher hier keine NummerTranslation:
Belongs among those born in Culm county - is transferred there __ ___ __ __ is therefore not given a number hereCulm is the county seat southwest of Graudenz; see for a map of the counties in Westpreussen.
You have interpreted the other information in the records correctly.