Default Gedcom upload is set to "public"

I am somewhat regretting trying this out. I uploaded my gedcom (I created a gedcom trying to remove 500 living people, but some may have been left in error), but it was taking a long time to upload, so I stepped away from my computer. When I came back, it was uploaded, and the privacy was, by default, set to "Public." I feel this was sneaky. When I changed the setting to "private", it said it could take a few days to reflect the change. Also, it seems the data as it was uploaded as "public" has already been captured somewhere. A default setting that is set to "private" on upload would be thoughtful and considerate. And yes, I do understand that there was some waiver thing at the beginning regarding securing living permission of living persons. That is why I tried to remove all living people from the file before I even uploaded it. I would not have uploaded if I knew the default setting was public.
When a new CET is created via Gedcom upload, or someday from external genealogy software, ALL living people are automatically marked as Private when they are created. They will only be visible and editable to the tree owner and to the trusted users that the owner invites into their tree. This will never change and living tree persons cannot be set as Public.
When a new CET is created the deceased persons are marked as publicly viewable, but these are always editable ONLY by the owner and the trusted users the owner invites into their tree. If the owner chooses to then make the tree Private, all the deceased individuals will be protected exactly the same as the living tree people: They will not be visible or accessible to anyone who is not a member of the tree. Upon making this change, the owner initiates a cascade of events behind the scenes. All deceased tree persons must have their designation changed. All of the deceased tree persons must be removed from the tree search system and any other systems that would expose the tree person data. For small trees this generally happens quite quickly. For large trees with hundreds of thousands of people it could take a little time. That is why the user is informed that the process isn't instantaneous.
Robert Kehrer, sr product manager0