Mühleberg BE - Tauf - 1771 - Helblig - von Wileroltigen
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I found this birth record for an ancestor, Elsbeth/Elisabetha Helblig, from Mühleberg and Wileroltigen, Bern, Switzerland. I am only able to read some of the names and a few words of the document. Can anyone help me out. Herren, Remund, Mäder, and Salvisberg (maybe) are the other surnames that I recognize. Thank You!
Hello Pamela,
I hope you don't mind that I have edited the title of your request to fit the title structure used in the Switzerland group.
For further requests, may I suggest to always define the source: this is obviously a record from the Wigoltingen baptismal register - reporting a baptism which had taken place in Mühleberg (here you'll find the original Mühleberg record - scroll to page 31 if not displayed automatically) - but was reported to Wigoltingen, the father's home parish (place of citizenship).
Copia Tauff-Scheins.
Den 10.ten Martij 1771 wurde zu Mühlenberg (today Mühleberg) eine Eheliche Tochter Getaufft Nahmens Elisabetha.
Par(entes): Samuel Helblig von Wyleroltigen / Magdalena Mäder von hier (i.e, from Mühleberg).
Test(es): Jacob Mäder von Marfeldingen / Elßbeth Stooß, geb. Herren von Oberey / Elßbeth Remund auch von da (i.e. also from Oberey).
Allso auß dem Tauff-Rodell der Kirchen zu Mühlenberg getreulich heraußgezogen durch J(ohann) Lud(wig) Marti, Pfarrer deß Ortes.
This had been faithfully extracted from the Mühleberg baptismal record by Johann Ludwig Marti, pastor of Mühleberg.
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I just noticed that I had not quite finished the witnesses:
Elßbeth Remund, geb. Salvisberg, auch von da (i.e. also from Oberey)..
I also have found Oberey - today Oberei.
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Thank you so much. I appreciate the time you took to help me with this document. I'm still new in FamilySearch communities and appreciate the advice. I was able to link to the original Mülheberg document, but would like to see earlier and later volumes. Can you provide the source information so that I can do further research? Also, I appreciate the help with the locations, which seem to be within Mühleberg. Correct?
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As far as earlier church records in Bern are concerned: there are two possibilities (online). Both are based on the same films (limited to records up until 1875).
1) During the 1990ies (I believe) these films have been digitized to be sold on CD by Picton Press. The storage capacity at the time lead to a reduced image quality - in most cases still sufficient, just a bit more difficult to read. These images can now be viewed freely on the Bern State Archive web site - see their catalogue. Once to have found the required record, you'll find the link to the pdf under "Dateien". The entire pdf is loaded - which may take some time - so depending on your disk capacity you may want to just copy the entire pdf for later use.
2) Much more recently the films have been digitized by familysearch - with more modern equipment and less restrictions due to storage capacity. As a result these new images are very often of superior quality, i.e. easier to read with certainty. Disadvantage: you have to visit a familysearch centre or an "affiliated organisation" - whatever that is (no such affiliation in Switzerland). So, if you can easily visit a familysearch centre (or an affiliated organisation), that will likely be the method of choice. If you prefer to work from home, however, visit the State Archive site.
Marfeldingen and Oberei - correct: both belong to the community of Mühleberg.
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I have started a discussion topic on Geneal-Forum on Helblig of Wileroltigen. May I suggest you register with the forum (free of charge and without any obligation) and "subscribe" to the topic: you would then be automatically notified by email whenever a new contribution is posted.