Solothurn SO - marriage - 1878 - Portmann & Kaufmann - Josef & Elisabeth
P_74_1_Marriage_Josef_Portmann_Elisabeth_Kaufmann_1878-12-08j_Solothurn (1).JPG
Please translate the marriage record for Josef Portmann and Elisabeth Kaufmann. I especially need their birth dates and parents' names.
Unfortunately, this record only contains the groom's details. The bride's details should be on the following page. If you have a picture of it, I could also add the rest. In Switzerland, civil status data is no longer publicly accessible after 1876.
Here is what it reads:
Den 8ten Dezember 1878 sind in Solothurn
getraut worden
Joseph Portmann, Flachmaler, von Solo-
thurn und Escholzmatt, in Solothurn, Sohn
des Johann Josef sei. u. der Agatha geb. Portman
ledig, geboren 23ten Dezember 1853-und -
On December 8, 1878 were married in Solothurn
Joseph Portmann, painter, from Solothurn
and Escholzmatt, (living) in Solothurn, son
of the late Johann Joseph and Agatha nee Portmann,
single, born on December 23, 1853-and -
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First - Daniel is correct - the entry is continued on the next page.
But let me make two comments anyway:
It is always a good idea to give details about any document: whilst this record is dealing with a marriage in Solothurn - the record is from another community (I assume Escholzmatt). This is a "Register B": one of the partners (e.g. Joseph Portmann) was citizen of Escholzmatt - so the Solothurn office reported it to the Escholzmatt office - the B-register is some sort of a summary - compare with your other marriage records from Escholzmatt (A-registers).
Escholzmatt is an "old" (pre 1800) place of citizenship for Portmann - a line from Escholzmatt gained the citizenship of Solothurn in 1865. It would make sense that Johann Josef, the father, was the person gaining this second citizenship.
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Oh, yes, thank you. Here is the second page with Kaufmann.
Thank you for all that information about the registers! There's so much to learn!
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What a rare first name for the mother of the bride! According to Wikipedia, it is the first name of Jesus' great-grandmother. Ok, Luzern is a Roman Catholic Canton.
Elisabeth Kaufmann, von und in Wykon, Kt. Luzern, uneheliche Tochter des Josef Kaufmann sel. und der Emerenzia Studer, ledig, geboren den 17ten Februar 1855.
Eingetragen den 10ten Dezember 1878, Zivilstandsbeamter: J. StuderElisabeth Kaufmann, of and in Wikon, Canton Luzern, illegitimate daughter of the late Josef Kaufmann and Emerentia Studer, unmarried, born February 17, 1855.
Registered on December 10, 1878, civil officer: J. StuderDaniel