Escholzmatt LU - marriage -1881 - Portmann & Loetscher - Anton & Maria
P_112_1_Anton_Portmann_Maria_Loetscher_Marriage_1881-01-22_Escholzmatt (1).JPG
Please translate the marriage record for Anton Portmann and Maria Loetscher. I especially need their birth dates and parents' names.
I hope you are familiar with the fact that in Switzerland every surname is associated with a place of origin. In the canton of Lucerne, for example, the places Buchrain, Entlebuch, Eschenbach, Escholzmatt. Flühli, Hasle, Luthern, Luzern, Malters, Marbach, Menznau, Romoos, Ruswil or Schüpfheim come into question for the surname Portmann. However, this does not necessarily have to be the place of residence. In the present case, Anton Portmann lived in Escholzmatt, which is also his place of origin, while his wife's place of origin is Flühli (in a side valley of Escholzmatt), but she was born in Escholzmatt and also lived there.
Both were farm workers, i.e. farmers without their own land, who were employed on a farm. Of course, this document says nothing about what happened after their marriage. It was usually the case that the woman gave up her job and took care of the children and the household, especially in a Roman Catholic canton like Lucerne.
Portmann was a very common name in Escholzmatt, which is why it often happened that two people had the same first name, too. To distinguish these people, they either had nicknames or the addition of the place where they lived. This happened with the witnesses. Unfortunately, I couldn't clearly decipher the hamlet of the first one, which is why I put a question mark in the transcription and translation.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.Daniel
Heute den zweiuzwanzigsten Januar achtzehnhunderteinundachtzig sind vor dem unterzeichneten Zivilstandsbeamten erschienen die Verlobten:
- Portmann Anton, Landarbeiter von und in Escholzmatt, Sohn des Niklaus Portmann und der Magdal. Kaufmann, ledig, geboren in Escholzmatt den fünften April achtzehnhunderteinundfünfzig und
- Lötscher Maria, Landarbeiterin von Flühli in Escholzmatt, Tochter des Josef Lötscher und der Catharina Emmenegger, ledig, geboren in Escholzmatt den vierundzwanzigsten April achtzehnhundertsiebenundfünfzig.
Verkündet in Escholzmatt und Flühli durch Publikation im Kantonsblatt den sechsten Januar achtzehnhunderteinundachtzig.
Nachdem dieselben die vom Gesetze erforderten Ausweise vorgelegt und alsdann auf Befragen beide geantwortet hatten, dass sie einander zur Ehe nehmen wollen, so wurde diese Ehe von dem unterzeichneten Zivilstandsbeamten im Namen des Gesetzes als geschlossen erklärt.
Der Ehegatten:
Ant. Portmann
Maria Lötscher
Der Zeugen:
Josef Portmann Stockmos (?)
Josef Portmann EggligutDer Zivilmtandsbeamte:
J. StuderVorgelegte Ausweisschriften:
Eheversprechen v. 4. Jänner 1881
Verkündschein von Flühli.
Geburtsdaten der Brautleute siehe im Geburtsdatumregister von Escholzmatt.Die Trauung wurde angezeigt den
Zivilstandsbeamten von FlühliToday, January 22, 1881, the engaged couple appeared before the undersigned civil officer:
- Portmann Anton, farm worker of and in Escholzmatt, son of Niklaus Portmann and Magdalena Kaufmann, unmarried, born in Escholzmatt on April 5, 1851 and
- Lötscher Maria, farm worker from Flühli in Escholzmatt, daughter of Josef Lötscher and Catherine Emmenegger, unmarried, born in Escholzmatt on April 24, 1857.
Announced in Escholzmatt and Flühli by publication in the cantonal gazette on January 6, 1881.
After they had presented the documents required by law and had both answered, when questioned, that they wished to marry each other, this marriage was declared legally valid by the undersigned civil officer.
The spouses:
Anton Portmann
Maria Lötscher
The witnesses:
Josef Portmann Stockmoos (?)
Josef Portmann EgligutThe civil officer:
J. StuderIdentification documents presented: Marriage vows from January 4, 1881
Proclamation certificate from Flühli
For birth dates of the bride and groom, see the Escholzmatt birth date register.The marriage was reported to the
civil officer of Flühli1 -
"Josef Portmann Stockmoos (?)"
I read Spag…d (compare with the P of Portmann). This might be an abbreviation / spelling variation of the old location name (farm?) Spansguet in Escholzmatt: mentioned in documents prior to 1700, but no longer found on any map, the name could have survived as "nickname" for this Portmann line.