Example of Name Checking Doing Well

Åmund Torsson Matre had the flag:
Amund Thorsen Yttre Matre, "Norway, Church Books, 1797-1958" has a first name of Amund Thorsen Yttre, which is different from Amund Torsson.
The parish record does contain a reasonable variant for his name but was indexed as first name: Amund Thorsen Yttre, last name: Matre which is not correct because Yttre, if included at all, would always be part of his last name.
Entering it as an alternate name with the name properly divided and using my preferred style of reserving -sen for a fixed patronymic and -sson for a true patronymic resulting in first name: Amund Thorsson and last name: Yttre Matre cleared the flag just fine. The routine was perfectly fine with shifting part of his name from first name to last and and with the alternate spelling for the patronymic.
I think Yttre was indexed as a given name because the usual instruction boils down to "when in doubt, index it as a given name".
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Most likely that is what happened with the indexed. However, I was glad to see that the quality checker didn't care about how parts of the name were divided between the first name and last name spots, just that all the parts of the name were there.
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By destroying patronymics in indexing, they lose family connection and meaningless entries.