We Need Full Place Information

Since some of the flags under the data quality score are related to place names, types, and time periods, to understand what some of the flags are referring to, it could be very helpful to have full information about place names. Could the team working on the score please pass onto the team in charge of the profile page that it would be great to have the Data View pop up window contain that full information as in this mock-up:
There is plenty of room to always show the standardized value of the place name instead of hiding it when the display name happens to be the same.
Listing the place type here instead of only when entering the place name will help show what is going on when the data quality checker depends on the use of certain place types or to see if two places of the same name but different types were accidentally interchanged.
The time period is critical when the flag states that a place only had a certain name during a certain period. Showing the time period picked when entering the place name and being able to see that it does not match the event date will explain that flag better.
Having the Places database ID number for the standard listed and having it be a link directly to that entry in the Places database will let people see and understand the other time periods for the place and the names used during those other time periods. This will make it easier for users to see the need to correct the place name to match the time period.
Also, if the place ID number is added, people can start to realize that if they have a somewhat ambiguous place name that is hard to enter correctly or if they have a place name the quality checker is showing a problem with on multiple people so they have to correct the name in several places, they can just copy the ID number and paste it in rather than type part of the place name and work to find the right one in the drop down menu.