Change the Name to: "Correlation Score" and add a warning.

The algorithm is not assessing the quality of anything. It is playing a matching game, seeing if the new source matches in facts, names, times, locations; or correlates in some way to sources already attached.
*And please warn that this score is only helpful if the prior attached information is accurate.
Note: "Quality" in the English language, currently has a connotation associated with feelings and judgement; in a time where people are feeling attacked and defensive, this is not a good thing, and probably why the negative feedback.
@ljhiz The name of the project has been changed 3 times in the last ~18 months. It started out as Person Quality Score, changed to Profile Quality Score in February of this year, and then to Data Quality Score last month.
As I perceive the project, it evaluates our work with the records we have attached to each profile.1