Latin Translation Request
Hodie die 25 Januarii 1712 praemissis? tr[ibus]
proclamationibus sacro matrimonii vinculo
subnotato copulati sunt sequentes.
Hod[n]estus adolescens Mathias Leman filius __
Mathiae Leman civis huius pagi et pud: [virgo?]
Anna Maria Franckin filia legitima M__
Franck civis loci. Madiß Lehman spons_
sig__ + sponsaeTranslation:
Today, the 25th of January 1712, after three proclamations, the following are joined together in holy matrimony by the undersigned:
The honest young man Mathias Leman, son of __ Mathias Leman, citizen of this village, and the chaste virgin
Anna Maria Franck, legitimate daughter of M__ Franck, local citizen. Madiss(?) Lehman spouse_
signed?__ + brideFollowing is the second (secundo) marriage on this day of Georg Christ and Anna Franck, who MAY be a sister of Anna Maria Franck.
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