Ottenbach ZH - burial - 1769 - Sidler - Jakob

Kent Gardiner
1769 Jacob Sidler death 13 April 1769 film 8014328 page 674 second entry
1769 den 13ten dito (Aprilis)
H(an)s Jacob Sÿdler, Feldschreiber Rudolph Sÿdler zu Ottenbach ehel(iches) gel(iebtes) Söhnlien. aet: 5 Monath 2 Wochen u(nd) 5 Tag
an den Gichteren [Gichter(en) is often cited as the cause of death in children as an illness with cramps, high fever and chills. It was usually caused by intestinal diseases together with diarrhea and vomiting, which led to dehydration, lack of minerals and loss of strength. The disease often occurred in infants who were not breastfed because the children were then given unboiled cow's milk.]
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