Ottenbach ZH - baptism - 1768 - Sidler - Jakob

Kent Gardiner
1768 Hans Jakob Sidler birth 23 Oct 1768 Ottenbach film 8014328 page 516 3rd entry
October 1768
den 23. N(atus) [born], den 25. Bapt(izatus) [baptized]
H(an)s Jacob
Feldschr(ei)b(e)r [Clerk of a troop in the field - or just secretary of an army group] Rudolph Sÿdler von Ottenbach / Elisabetha Sÿdler
Jacob Bär von Ottenbach / Dorothea Sÿdler von Ottenbach
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WSeelentag Great. Rudolf was described as a Feldschreiber before but this confirms this important fact. Thanks for taking the time to translate this document. KG