Could someone please translate this birth record for me. Thank you so much.
Please what info have you figured out so far.
1 -
This is what I have figured out so far. I will take another look tomorrow., image 237, bottom, Zbiroh, Birth: 3 Leden (January) 1862, Christening: 3 Leden (January) 1862, infant: Jozef Ignac, Catholic, Male, Legitimate,
Father: Franik, Waclaw wy_odzney? Dezsatnik?=corporal-(not sure) z Rakennika? a zahr(radnik=)=worker a D? (between lines) + deceased Antona Franka Mestann=(měšťan=burgher) z Rakenniker, from Terezsi rozene=born Bartos from Rakow___
Mother: Ana (line over n means double the letter, so Anna) daughter Karla Dvorsky'ho ___ ___ from Hany'ho and Jozefy rozene=born Novak from Hany'ho, tuscyy oker Prarz Keso?, House 119,
Godparents: Josef Jed__ker Messtan (měšťan) burgher= townsman from Hecruin?
Hynek Ebeesat Mestann=(měšťan) burgher= townsman from Hunio?Current map of Zbiroh,okres Rokycany, Plzeňský kraj, Česko
19th century map:
Website von Österreich, Tschechien, Slowakei, Slowenien
Lfdnr 14967
Ortsname Aktuell Zbiroh
Ortsname Früher Zbiroh
Kronland Böhmen
Pfarren in Tschechien (Geolocation)
Bezirk Rokycany
Name Matrikenbeginn zuständiges Archiv
Zuständige Pfarre - Römisch Katholisch:
Zbiroh 1798/1813/1812 Pilsen
Vorpfarre - Römisch Katholisch:
Drahonuv Ujezd 1631/1656/1687 Pilsen
Ortsverzeichnis von Österreich, Tschechien, Slowakei, SlowenienDetails - could be Rakownska (Place for Terezsi
Lfdnr 10540
Ortsname Aktuell Rakova
Ortsname Früher Rakowa
Kronland Böhmen
Pfarren in Tschechien (Geolocation)
Bezirk Rokycany
Name Matrikenbeginn zuständiges Archiv
Zuständige Pfarre - Römisch Katholisch:
Rokycany 1659/1736/1704 Pilsen1 -
If you have any questions about what I wrote, feel free to ask. I couldn't figure out all the towns, as I have not worked in this area before. I will see if I can figure out more.