Birth and Death translations needed--children of David Krück
I have tried to sort this out—two sons named Johann Wilhelm and Wilhelm. I have provided births and death records. I am confused as to who is who as I think the death records are mixed up with names. Please translate (correct my efforts) and advise if needed.
First child 1781
Baptism 11 November 1781 (year not on the page but next page is 1782) Wilhelm, Joh. David Krück and wifed Anna Catherina nee Moeller, son born 10 Nov 6:00 morning . sponsor wilhelm ?????
2nd child 1784
Baptism February 19 1784 Johann Wilhelm, David Krück and wife Anna Catharina (not Cattarina) nee Moeller son born 18 February ??4:00 .sponsor Joh Wilhelm Koepping from Diemerode.
There is a letter F to the side—-does this have a meaning?
These are the two death records
Burial april 4 1784 Joh. Wilhelm, David Krück son died April 2 , 5?? morning age 3 years , 3 months 22 days. [is this the child born in 1781—named different]
2nd death record— burial 1793 October 30 Wilhelm, David Krück son died 27, ?? age 11 (or 17) 17 days???? [is this the child born 1784—-again named different]
First child 1781: Sponsor is Wilhelm Giesler, here.
2nd child 1784: born 18 February nachmittags (p.m.) 4:00; no idea what the "F" means.
Burial april 4 1784: died April 2 , 5 Uhr morning. calculated birth date: 11 Dec 1780
2nd death record: died 27, Mittag (noon) age 11 (or 17) years 17 days??. calculated birth date: 10 Oct 1782 or 1776
My comment: There is no match between the dates of birth on the baptism records and the dates of birth calculated from the age on the death records. Either they are different people or the scribe made a mistake. The 2nd child was born shortly after the 2nd death record; maybe it was named after the deceased brother.
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Thank you for your time spent on this request.
Further re-doing searching i found no other records-neither confirmations or marriages. Concluding age of deaths must be erroneously calculated by the priests.