How do I find the rest of the family group?
So far I've found baptisms of 2nd great-grandmother and three of her siblings,and two death records. What is the best way to find the rest of her siblings' vital information since the information I know is approximations?
Some records have indexes. If no indexes are available, see if FamilySearch, MyHeritage, and Ancestry have any trees on your family. Europeans commonly use MyHeritage. If that fails, try going page by page to find more siblings. There are census records available for some regions in Czechia. Do you have some family info that you could post? I might be able to give you more info on the census depending on the parish you are using.
Betseylee Browning😊
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Katerina Talafous, my 2nd great-grandmother was born on 10 February 1847 in Mysenic. Her sister Anna was born 12 February 1851 in Mysenic. Her brother Vojtech was born 8 Nov 1861 in Mysenic and died 9 November 1861 in Mysenic. Rosina was born 31 March 1853 in Mysenic. I could find Vojtech birth & death records and Rosina's birth record. The ones that are estimations are Josef Talafous, Caroline,and Martinus. I was also able to find the father's vital information as well.
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Have you translated Katerina's original record completely? If so please post what you figured out.
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She is the first one in the registry, and it's been a while since I've looked at a Czech record, so forgive me if I'm wrong. She was born 10 Februari 1847, meaning 10 February 1847. Misto means place House # 25 in Mysenic. Jemno kriticiho means name of baptized Katerina Talafousowa. I don't remember what the columns with the dashes mean. Otec means father Josef Talafous it's hard to read what's after. Mater means mother what's in the box is hard to read. Here's the link to the record
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Ortsverzeichnis von Österreich, Tschechien, Slowakei, Slowenien
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zuständiges Archiv
I am working on the translation. This is where I would be viewing the records from:
0 - The index number is the Folio found usually at the top corners of the record not the digital number. Have you seen this index before? It covers 1784–1881.
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I have not seen this before. Thanks.
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Father: Josef Talahous Domkar=peasant and master Kowarsky= blacksmith in Mischenetz, Mother Katerina daughter of deceased Frantissek Koptowi= Kopta domkar=peasant from Zdiara #27 and his wife Maria born Bjlkowy daughter of deceased Josef(owi) Bjlkowi from Zdiara # 19 chalupnika=small peasant cottager,
Zdiara/Zdiar/Zdar is part of the same Mysenec Parish.
You are missing the parents of Maria in FamilySearch. Her last name is Bjlkowy. J and I are interchangeable so another spelling is Bilkowa.
Lfdnr 15031 Ortsname Aktuell Zdar Ortsname Früher Zdar Ortsname Deutsch Ortsname Ungarisch Ortsname Slowakisch Ortsname Ukrainisch Kronland BöhmenPfarren in Tschechien (Geolocation) Bezirk Pisek Pfarre(n) NameMatrikenbeginnzuständiges ArchivZuständige Pfarre - Römisch Katholisch:Mysenec1784/1784/1784WittingauVorpfarre - Römisch Katholisch:Protivin1669/1669/1669Wittingau
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Awesome thanks.
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Index for B's look at left page top Anna Bilkowy from Zdar. the owy is a female ending. For males the name could be more like Bilk or Bilek. She must be related somehow.