Translation Request - deciphering German cursive
Attached is a document (presumably from 1832 but I'm unfamiliar with how numbers are written in this script, it might be 1852) probably for my great-great-great-grandfather Johannes Spielmann when he migrated from Hesse to the US. I've been able to translate the heading: "In the name of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine". However, I don't speak German and have a very difficult time making sense of the cursive. Is anyone who is familiar with this able to help?
Some of this is difficult to read because of the grainy image, but here's the best I can do for the transcription -
Der Johannes Spielmanns, Wittwer aus Lindheim Reg[ierungs] Bez[irk] Nidda, welcher [nun?] die Erlaubniß nach Nordamerika überzuziehen, und sich daselbst niederzulassen geboten hat, wird zu diesem Zwecke die Entlassung aus dem Großherzoglich Hessischen Unterthanen-Verbande ertheilt.
Zu dessen Urkunde ist gegenwärtige Bescheinigung unter Beifügung des Dienstsiegels, ausgefertigt worden.
Nidda, den 19ten März 1852
Der Großherzoglich Hessische Regierungs Commission
des Regierungs Bezirks Nidda
And the translation -
Johannes Spielmanns, widower from Lindheim, government district of Nidda, who has [now?] requested permission to move to North AMerica and to settle there, for this purpose is released from the grand ducal Hessian association of subjects.
The current certification, together with the official seal, has been prepared for his document.
Nidda, 19 March 1852
The Grand Ducal Hessian Government Commission
of the government district Nidda
Witnesses Note - after the word Witnesses, there would be some signatures, perhaps including Johannes Spielmanns'. I don't know if these were included on the image youreceived.
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I think the last word in the first (handwritten) line is Wittwe not Wittwer. This would mean that the record is for the widow of the (deceased) Johannes Spielmann. The text reads as follows:
Der Johannes Spielmanns Wittwe aus Lindheim Reg[ierungs] Bez[irk] Nidda, welche um die Erlaubniß nach Nordamerika überzuziehen, und sich daselbst niederzulassen gebeten hat, wird zu diesem Zwecke die Entlassung aus dem Großherzoglich Hessischen Unterthanen-Verbande ertheilt.
The widow of Johannes Spielmann from Lindheim, government district of Nidda, who has requested permission to move to North America and to settle there, for this purpose is released from the status as a citizen of Grand Duchy of Hesse.
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Thank you both for your help! This information is invaluable.