🎬 The Bridge Forum Recording - 14 November 2024
Fantastic subject matter for community tree-building! Two of the three presenters are former interns for the FamilySearch Community Tree-Building Internship through BYUI.
Enjoy the YouTube recording. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjTU6SZUXNU
This was an excellent group of presentations, particularly the last one from Sarah Spencer. What a wonderful use of FamilySearch to actually begin to restore "disappeared" victims of Stalin so that descendants can find out about them, honor them, and include them in their family trees after such a horrendous compounded atrocity - the deaths, followed by the disappearance of any memories of them.
It's sobering to realize Stalin lived within the lifetimes of some of us living today, not during an earlier, more remote period in history. and that there is still repression of efforts to keep such memories alive. We generally think of FamilySearch as a very personal database, but some are finding ways of extending the database and memories to people unrelated to them, thereby further benefiting others, and even greatly enhancing the histories of events and people. These three presentations particularly highlight the universal importance of the database.