Sweden - Translation of note on Marriage record

Johan Jacob Schultz is marrying Catharina Hogberg, 2 March 1823. There is a note on the record that says something about Jac. Söderholm. Please help me understand what this says.
The notes read:
For the groom Johan Jacob Schultz:
Boupt[eckning] efter hustrun underskrifven af Sonens förmyndan Brygg[aren?] Jac[ob] Söderholm
Estate inventory after the wife signed by the son's guardian brewer Jacob SöderholmFor the bride Catharina Hagberg:
Bouptekn[ing] af Rådstugurätten den 26 Apr[il] 1821
Estate inventory of the town council on 26 April 1821Comment: The groom and the bride were widower and widow, respectively. Before a new marriage it was necessary to establish that any claims from the previous marriage had been satisfied.
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I thought it was talking about the Bouppteckning. I went looking for Anna Greta Söderholm's estate record and I couldn't find it so I thought maybe I was misunderstanding.
Thank you for the translation.