1767 Eisenbeiser Birth Record Translation Request
Den 28. Septembris Nachts gegen 11. Uhr kam nieder mit einer jungen Tochter Gertraudt eine geb[orene] Kolbin des Ehr u[nd] arbeitsamen Johann Christian Eisenbeißers Tagelöhners in Ebnet Eheweib, wurde d[en] 29. getaufft u[nd] vertreten von Margaretha Murmännin des weyl. Eh__ Christian(?) Murmanns Brauerm[eisters]? u[nd] Inwohners(?) in Ebnet hinterlaßene einzige Tochter.
On 28 September [1767] around 11 o'clock at night, Gertraudt née Kolbin, the wife of the honourable and hard-working Johann Christian Eisenbeisser, day labourer in Ebnet, gave birth to a young daughter, who was baptised on 29 September and was represented (i.e. sponsored) by Margaretha Murmann, the only daughter left behind by the late Christian(?) Murmann, brewer(?) and resident in Ebnet.
Note: The child's name is not given, but is most probably the same as that of the sponsor, Margaretha.