Affoltern am Abis ZH - baptism - 1713 - Schneebeli - Elsbeth
This was a tricky one - for two reasons: difficult to read and contradicting her mother as listed on your blog: Elsbeth Schneebeli is the daughter of Heinrich Schneebeli and Katharina Dups. Billeter had given 28.11.1710 for her baptism: did you take her mother's name from Billeter? According to the age at death, I would calculate her birth as 28.11.1712 (neither 1710 nor 1713). In order to sort my thoughts I had decided to first summarize the family on Geneal-Forum - but I am not sure if the info on Elisabeth Schneebeli is correct ☹. But let's now have a look at the baptismal entry:
1713 / den 28. Winterm(onat): Elisabet
Heinrich Schnebeli Haffners / Elsbet Schnebelin
I find the names of the witnesses difficult - so for the time being I leave that alone - until we are sure this is the correct baptism. Heinrich Schnebeli "Haffners" (nickname) and Elsbet Schnebelin got married Affoltern 01.12.1707.
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WSeelentag Hi, Well, here we have another problem to solve. I only had FS and Billeter for this Elsbet. Today I looked at Affoltern am Abis baptismal records from 1712-1715 and only found the 1713 record for Elsbet. However I did find Elsbet's brother:
I am going to look for her in Ottenbach in case Billeter made a birth place error.
1712 Heinrich Schneebeli bap 19 Jan mother Elsbet Schnebelein Affoltern am Albis film 008014299 page 411.
This Pastor is difficult to read. Do you prefer documents put here or on my blog? All the best, KG