Here's the translation by column -
Day, month, and year of the marriage - 3. 31 August 1846
Name of the groom, first and last name - Johann Knorr
Born when and where - 11 July 1796 Unterlangenstadt
Occupation and religion - [can't read occupation, some sort of Knecht = servant or farmworker], protest[ant]
District court, residence, and house number - Kronach, Unterlangenstadt, No. 58 [Heimat=home town, can't read next word]
His parents, first and last names, and for the mother the maiden name - Johann Georg Knorr, Elisabetha nee [Feltner?]
Married or widower, and in the latter case the name of the deceased spouse, and for a divorce the name of the first wife - single
Name of the bride, first and last name - Elisabetha Eisenbeißer
Born when and where - 9 Nov 1801 Unterlangenstadt
Occupation and religion - day laborer, protest[ant]
District court, residence, and house number - Kronach, Unterlangenstadt
Her parents, first and last names, and for the mother the maiden name - Michael Eisenbeißer, Anna Maria nee Büttner
Married or widow, and in the latter case the name of the deceased spouse, and for a divorce the name of the first husband - single
Pastor or his proxy - the same [Pastor Dippold]
Witnesses with first and last name, occupation, residence - as above [some relatives]
Civil marriage license - as above [can't read because it's blurred, civil office Unterlangenstadt]
Married with our without dispensation in the degrees, with or without banns - as above [without dispensation, banns read three times]